Grandpa and his grandkid have an interesting way to get rid of excess leaves, but not everyone is sold on their methods.
On the internet, things are never as straightforward as they might seem. One person's wholesome story quickly turns into a debate in the comments section. Did they actually do the right thing, or was it reckless? That's what people were debating after reading u/throwaway1999000's tale of bonding with their grandfather.
The debate has to do with the way this person's grandfather handled a new ruling from the township. He just wanted to do things his way, as he'd been doing already for years. He was used to raking up leaves and then burning them, which sounds like a perfect way to keep a bonfire going. After he was banned from doing that though, this Grandpa was determined to still get rid of his leaves, no matter what. Keep scrolling to read this person's entire malicious compliance story, as well as the interesting debate over their tactics.
Next up, read about these employees who did so badly on their first day that they weren't allowed back, like one person who decided to "literally chase a beaver around in their golf cart."
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