Memes are a great way to put your unique thoughts into words (and pictures). I vividly remember a screenshot of a comment on Walmart's Facebook page that went viral: "Walmart, why does your logo look like puffy Cheetos practicing a synchronized swimming routine in a bowl of milk?" I'm sure many people had that thought before one humble Facebooker articulated it so perfectly, but it's the articulation that counts! So much of comedy is observational humor, but you rarely make an observation that nobody has said before. One of the memes in this list says, "Cranberry juice tastes like it doesn't want to be wet," and that's the truest thing ever! Whoever thought of that and said it out loud deserves an award in advanced observation, as far as I'm concerned. Saying your peace is much more important than thinking about it, and these 37 memes say precisely what they mean.