This week, we've been getting a taste of bluer skies and lower temperatures. That doesn't mean they're here to stay, unfortunately.
It's common knowledge that the warm weather never leaves without a last 'blaze' of glory. I know that summer lovers are ecstatic because that means they might get an extra few weeks of warm sunshine, but the cold weather lovers are livid. They just broke out their autumnal sweaters and windbreaker jackets for the upcoming season! It's unfair that the weather gods don't know how to make up their minds and we're all victims to it.
Luckily, colder pastures are nearer than we think, and we will soon be able to uninstall our AC units until the next blaze in late spring. If you're eager to find one forecast that will tell you what you really want to hear, scroll through these memes that'll make you check Accuweather three times a day. It never hurts to be prepared.