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Top 20 Cat Memes of the Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #363

  • 1
    Well, Hoomin, this is where we say goodbye I'm off to Brazil for Marti Gras

    Usually we would protest our cat wanting to leave the house and fly to Brazil, but they clearly spent a lot of time on this costume. And they do look absolutely furbulous. Just come back after it's over, okay?

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  • 2
    Okay I'm logged in, what next?
  • 3
    What are you wearing today? Do you need extra cat hair?

    If cat hair was a currency, we would be a millionaire. But unfortunately, it's not, so now we're just a normal person with a lot of cat hair on their clothes. Yes, we tried a lint roller. No, it clearly doesn't help.

  • 4
    She picked me up & repeatedly TASTED me! 06 I'm getting the out of here before dinner!
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  • 5
    When you look down and wonder what life choices you made to lead you down this path
  • 6
    <- EXCEPT FOR THIS ONE Cats are angels with whiskers
  • 7
    Legolas! What do your cat eyes see? They're taking my Hot Pockets to Micengard!
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  • 8
    BREAKING NEWS Once upon a time, I didn't care. I still don't. The end.
  • 9
  • 10
    Dear Diary; today an unknown entity in the form of a red dot manifested in the living quarters. I sprang to the defense, but it proved elusive, maneuvering in defiance of the laws of physics. All the while my captors sat on the couch cackling madly. I live in a hellhole devoid of sanity.
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  • 11
    Here comes the catvalry!
  • 12
    Cheese has holes More Cheese = More Holes More Holes Less Cheese More Cheese = Less Cheese
  • 13
    My favorite Roman emperor? Cat-ligula of course.
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  • 14
    Sometimes the best way to deal with life is taking a break and not dealing with it.
  • 15
    No, I don't have tortitude! Whatever gave you that idea?
  • 16
    Geez!! Calm down Hooman and I'll tell you what happened to the canary, hampster, stoopy doggy the couch and your favorite shoes.
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  • 17
    When you finally find the one.
  • 18
    The cat catches the red dot!
  • 19
    No matter what room I enter, I'm coming in as me. So be afraid... Be very afraid.
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  • 20
    Caturday bliss


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