How old do you have to be to be in your late twenties? I've always thought the age range was simple: 20-23 are early twenties, 24-26 are mid-twenties, and 27-29 are late. That way, you get four breezy years, technically some of the youngest, and only three years in the middle and end. I feel like it would be remiss to say a 23-year-old is in their "mid-twenties" because they're already dealing with the worst year of their life and shouldn't have to contend with aging, too. I also think 27-year-olds can be in denial about their age, clinging onto their mid-twenties when they are in the late ones. There's nothing wrong with being in your late twenties!!! You're older and wiser than basically every 22-year-old you interact with, and that's something to be proud of. If you're older and wiser than a 20-year-old, these hilarious memes are for you.