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Not everyone is graced with a loving mother-in-law when they get married. Many people end up singing up for an eternity of snide comments, passive aggressiveness, and just straight-out rudeness. It's unfortunate, but a classic tale. So what do you do? Most women just put up with it. As long as your partner is on your side and stands up for you in front of their own mom and you don't even have to see her that often, you should be golden.
This wicked MIL recently tried to plot a way to get her DIL out of the yearly family vacation. She knew she was due to give birth to their second grandchild during the usual dates. So the happy expecting couple assumed they would push the vacation dates back just a few days so they could all at least meet the little baby. But instead, the MIL saw this as an opportunity to exclude DIL. However, instead of her plan working as she would have liked—getting her song to ditch his own wife during birth—she got her plans thrown back in her face. The DIL was not only excited about the news that the MIL would be gone, but she also plans on making them wait the entire 30+ days to see the baby after they return, due to immunizations. That's what happens when you plot!
Like what you see? Find more hilarious women's memes and crazy stories on our Instagram @Cheezcake_Humor and more videos on our TikTok @cheezcaked