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Gift-giving can be a loaded scenario. Give the wrong gift, and you've ruined the moment. In an episode of Seinfeld when Jerry gives Elaine $182 for her birthday, cash. The joke is that it's a pretty thoughtless gift to give a close friend, and shows you really know nothing about them. Other things in that category, in my opinion: socks and candles. Unless they're incredibly specific socks and candles you know they'll like, those are both total cop-out gifts.
But gift-giving can also be the ultimate chance to show you've been listening, that you care and that you've put a lot of effort into that relationship. I truly believe that it's the thought that counts. But that doesn't mean someone else is always going to agree. That's the situation one couple found themselves in when an unwanted interloper had a lot to say about an engagement gift. Read on for the story and see what you think.