Do you believe in soulmates?
Despite Friends being a fictional TV show, I wholeheartedly enjoy analyzing the relationships in the show, and come up with questions regarding their development. For example, I think Monica and Chandler truly are perfect for each other, and I love the way their relationship came to be, which made me question what would have happened if they hadn't spent the night together in London.
I know the writers didn't even intend for Mondler to become a thing, and simply wanted it to be a one-night-only type of relationship. But the fans loved the pair so much, that the writers decided to keep it going, which does make one feel like Monica and Chandler are soulmates and that they were simply meant to be, no matter who thought against it.
So I do firmly believe that even if it didn't happen in London, Monica and Chandler would have found love in each other eventually, and yes, despite them being fictional characters, I believe they are each other's soulmates.
My soulmate at the moment is this collection of Friends memes that I love to scroll through, so make sure to do the same. After you are done, click here for a story of parents who cut their support for their daughter after she mocked their life choices.