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To breastfeed or to formula feed? That's a question that most moms answer with "both," and don't think twice about what random trad moms on Twitter think about the answer. But even if you aren't a chronically online mom, you probably know how hyperbolic people can get about women choosing to forego breastfeeding altogether for the silicone savior of the bottle nip. The phrases "breast is best" and "fed is best" are touted online in this age-old debate that is probably kind of pointless. After all, it's no secret that once the kid is like 3, they're going to be eating fruit snacks off the ground and you won't be able to tell by their aptitude whether they were breastfed or formula fed. But it's so fun to sit on your platform of superiority and judge other moms for making the wrong choices for their baby, especially if you don't know her, her baby, or the circumstances that led to her feed the way she did.
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