This is the kind of prank that people dream about. To think up and then execute such a brilliant way to get your least favorite coworker to quit on the spot is just *chef's kiss*. Perfection!
This guy was working in construction when he managed to make someone rage quit on the spot, and do so in such a way that he could never get his job back. It's probably occurred to all of us at some point that quitting a job on the spot would feel so good. Telling your boss to go kick rocks and triumphantly walking out of the building is the kind of fantasy that some workers dream about all day long.
It seems that this guy was duped into thinking he was suddenly rich. If you got rich tomorrow, would you quit your job? When I was working in retail jobs, I daydreamed about it all day long. You spend so much time at work that if you dislike your job, it's really going to impact your quality of life.
Check out the full story down below, as well as comments from people who were completely delighted by the story. Then, have a laugh at some of these AP test proctors who discovered the funniest things written on the exams, like one paper that begged, "I never learned this, just fail me."
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Photo does not depict the actual subjects of the story.
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