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If dogs are gonna do one thing… it's eat. Most dogs I know would eat anything that fell on the floor so long as it kind of looked like food. Sure, some dogs are picky divas but most of them just want to scarf something down and it doesn't matter what. It was incredibly helpful around the house. You're cooking a meal and you drop a stray piece of mushroom on the floor? No worries, in less than a second Scruffy has come over and solved that problem for you. No need to worry about cleanup.
My childhood dog used to lick all the dishes in the dishwasher while we were loading them. We called it our "pre-rinse." It was disgusting, but it was also totally dog. Who are we to stop them? Luckily we have memes to honor them in ways they don't even understand. So while they're chowing kibble, we can scroll.