Do you all ever need to find something and have no idea where to start? I've been in that situation several times because so many of my worldly possessions are in cardboard boxes in my parent's basement. I know I should get that stuff out of there, but I don't know where I'd put it. Those boxes contain my non-essential trinkets from the past. I have all my clothes, some of my books, and the necessary tools to live in my own apartment, but I don't have my diary from 8th grade, my college graduation gown, or 90% of my books. When I needed one of these non-essential items, I had to go for a geological dig in these boxes located five states away from me, which would have been even more inconvenient if they had been sitting around in a storage unit somewhere. If you're currently digging around the internet for something as unimportant as the clay jar you made in 4th-grade art class, these funny memes might stop your dig.