If you're going to be strict with your kids, you must be strong enough to stand your ground when other parents are not as strict. Let's say you refuse to buy your kid a smartphone until they're in 9th grade. That's an intelligent and responsible decision on paper, but it's much easier said than done. If you decide to do that, your kid will come home from middle school (and even elementary school) every day begging for an iPhone, accusing you of turning them into a social pariah because you won't buy them one. Would that be enough for you to give in and buy the darn thing? Or can you accept your child's frustration that life isn't fair?
That's the question one set of parents could not answer when their toddler saw another toddler playing on her iPad on an airplane. Instead of giving in or giving him another means of entertainment, they asked the mother of the other toddler to put away her iPad.
Photo does not depict the real subjects in the story