Welcome back dog lovers and rebellious ruffians!
We've all had moments as dog owners when our pooch was simply bad to the bone. Digging holes in the yard, barking at the delivery guy, and pulling on the leash are a few of the classic crimes in my household. But as every dog owner knows, when you send your pup to doggie daycare, it's like they forget all of their training and let loose the wild animal inside.
Suddenly your well-trained furbaby is just a crazy-eyed hellion dashing around the daycare lot, menacing all of the senior dogs relaxing in the sun and splashing water from their bowls onto every freshly-groomed poodle. Canine crimes cannot be contained when pure puppy-like joy goes coursing through their veins. All we can do as canine aficionados is laugh at our leash-stealing, cop-evading, ruff-play, silly gooses, exactly like the doggie daycare center below that went viral for documenting the doggo crimes that beset their establishment every day.
Pet pawrents beware, as it turns out, your pooch isn't even the worst of the criminally cute offenders on this next list.