"Most employees don't quit their jobs....they quit their bosses!"
This phrase has been bandied about in internet employment discussions for some time and remains steadfastly true. Any job—well, almost any job—is tolerable to a certain level just as long as you enjoy the people you're working with. Even the most grueling work at odd hours can be managed as long as you have solid, reliable leadership and coworkers whom you enjoy. In these types of workplace cultures, the work itself is almost secondary to the relationships and camaraderie that form.
On the other hand, it's easy to know when you're in a situation where you and your time are not being respected by leadership. You'll find that even when you're off, they expect you to be willing to drop everything and work at a moment's notice… even shortly after the birth of your child.
That's how it was in this classic malicious compliance story, where this boss relentlessly tried to get an employee to come in and work shifts after the birth of their child… They chose instead to take a permanent vacation.
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