Your first interaction with the people you intend to work with says a lot about the workplace you are about to enter, and it should not be ignored, no matter how much you need a job. If you sense that a job, or more specifically, a manager, interacts with you in a matter that raises red flags, you should definitely reconsider your position there.
Luckily, the person who wrote this Reddit post was in a state where they could say 'no' to the job they were offered. After receiving a text from an unknown number, simply reading 'Hi', OP (original poster), assumed someone had gotten the wrong number. But even after the ominous sender revealed himself as 'Shane', a business owner who was contacting OP regarding a job, the conversation began to get weirder and weirder with every text Shane sent…
Scroll down to read the full interaction between OP and Shane. Once you are done, click here for a story of an overworked employee who quit a day before the manager's vacation.
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