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Why is it that the best things in life are often decried as "nerdy?" It happens with all the fun things, like playing video games, collecting records, reading a ton, building robots, or playing Dungeons and Dragons. I have a pet theory that the people who say these things are nerdy are just jealous that they've let their desire to fit in get in the way of having a really good time. Getting deep into interest is not nerdy, it's admirable. We need nerds or else nobody would know what the Dewey Decimal system is or the difference between a witch, a wizard, and a warlock. What would we do then?
But of all the "nerdy" hobbies, DnD is the one that makes for the best memes. And if enjoying them means I'm forever relegated to geekdom to rot for eternity, I say sign me up. Sounds like more fun anyway.