Most people have some sort of social media page, but the ones who are truly making the most of them are the antisocial crowd. Introverted folks have been silently scouring the interwebs for decades, scrolling memes and watching their old high school acquaintances live their lives, all from the safety of sitting behind their screens. Gladly, an introvert will accept a non-social way to interact with the world– it's our prerogative!
So even though introverts are like the ninjas of the social media world (unseen and unheard), we still know everything about everyone, gathering gossip and tea from online like we collect our usual memes. Introverts might not have much to say in real life because small talk is excruciating and pleasantries are a waste of time. Introverts will curate funny memes to send to their inner circle as a way to remind them that we're still around. Although us introverts are always canceling plans, we'll never cancel our social media pages because the memes are how we stay "socializing"… figuratively.