Rich people love to be covert about how rich they are. Maybe they're scared to be too braggadocious or offend someone. Maybe they're trying to be relatable to the common man. Maybe they're worried that people are going to ask them for money if they know how rich they are. Or maybe they're afraid to come across as "new money," a phrase used to deride Beverly Hillbillies-esque rich people. Whatever the case may be, they're trying to hide it.
But there are some dead giveaways that cut right through that humble facade. You can't pretend to be a regular working Joe if you slip something in about "our OTHER boat." That immediately reveals you as someone who has probably eaten caviar before. Below is a list of some of the best ones. Read them and plot your eventual storming of Versailles. May we all be able to use "summer" as a verb.