You have to follow business etiquette if you want to progress in your field. But are you willing to give up your morals in order to gain the favor of others around you?
The story that follows is from a frustrated coworker. The original poster (OP) shares his experience handling a challenging coworker. OP works at a large hospital. Recently, OP decided to host a baby shower for a coworker who is heavily pregnant. However, instead of expressing gratitude for all the time, money, and effort that went into celebrating her and her unborn child, she arrived with complaints and demands over the gifts.
So be sure to read the story below if you're interested in learning the specifics of what happened and whether or not the coworkers complied with her absurd demands! Furthermore, don't forget to read the account of the woman who, by refusing to give up her apartment key, locks her entitled neighbor out of the building and leaves her stranded on the curb!