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Were you ever required to bring an atla to geography lessons in school?
I remember the atlas we had to carry to school every week, it was this gigantic hardcover book that barely fit into anyone's backpack, and we used it maybe twice throughout the entire school year.
But for some reason, I really enjoyed opening it during boring classes and just browsing through random maps from around the world. I couldn't believe how big the world was and how many different ways there were to look at it, and the atlas opened my eyes even more to the variety of ways one can see the world.
The maps down below… will not make you feel the same way, but they will make you laugh, which is arguably a much better feeling than the one I described above. James Lucas on Twitter decided to share a collection of funny maps you have probably never seen before, and I enjoyed this silly thread so much that I wanted to share some of the funniest maps with you.
Scroll down to enjoy this unique atlas. After you are done scrolling, click here for a series of hilarious Doctor Who memes