Colleges and universities should really offer students a course in job searching, because there are people out there who enter the real world with no idea what they should look for and how, and they end up making mistakes that could have been avoided.
After a few classes in resume writing and interviewing, one of the lessons in job searching should be about the process of accepting a job, and the terms that should always be written in the offer letter. For example, the pay – Never accept a job if the pay is not mentioned and written down in the contract.
If the new hire in this Reddit story had this course in college, they might have been able to avoid this mistake they made. OP (original poster) started their job without having a proper conversation about their pay and relied on what the initial job posting had mentioned. They only realized their mistake when they got their first paycheck, but by that time, it was already too late to negotiate their position at the company.
Scroll down to read what they did next. After that, click here for a story about an entitled hotel guest who got what he had coming.
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