If you've ever wanted to appear smart as you get back at someone who's getting on your nerves, you've got to read these clever quips.
There are some times you just can't say what's on your mind, like when you're at the workplace, or when you're talking to family members you don't get along with, or even when you're dealing with someone you dislike, but it'd be super impolite to diss them out of nowhere. In cases like this, you need some low-key insults. You've got to pull out the best quip you have.
These people have shared some amazing zingers to r/AskReddit. This person was curious to know "What is the most creative insult you've ever heard?" More than 5,700 people shared some funny stories. Some were from dads, others were from bosses, and a few got people in trouble for their smart-aleck jokes! Not that every person even realized they were getting berated… some of them aren't even bright enough to understand that they're being belittled.
Next up, this daycare teacher had to look out for their students during a field trip---an older kid stole their unlimited arcade tickets, and expected to just get away with it!
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