A lot of employees paint HR out to be the bad guy; they are blamed for terminations, pay decreases, and everything else under the sun. More often than not, they are simply a liaison between an employee and an executive/manager. They know the rules of the workplace, enforce them, and pass down information from upper management to the rest of the employees.
It's no secret that being a human resources manager/associate is tough work, especially because it can be very mentally draining when you have to deal with a lot of people throughout your day-to-day. The peace and quiet that enters an HR employee's mind when the clock strikes five o'clock in the evening is unmatched, and we're sure you HR folk reading this can agree. If you feel like you're a giant ball of stress or you're sick of being painted as the bad guy in your workplace, scroll these memes to get some validation for all the hard work you do. If you're not HR, scroll anyway, as you might get some hilarious insight into the stressful life of human resources employees worldwide.