This school had a brilliant plan for getting their students involved in sports teams: making it mandatory for every single kid. They probably thought it was an excellent idea. After all, you want kids to be active and moving around throughout the day… almost as if you could make a class for that. For some reason, this school decided that alongside gym class, all kids would have to join a sport. In my high school, maybe a third of the kids were in sports, and everyone else was in other clubs, or just didn't participate in anything else. Now imagine adding the other two-thirds of the students to the sports teams. You'd need tons of buses to transport everyone to away games; you'd need extra coaches to handle all the new athletes. You'd have soccer teams with like, a hundred kids on them. And in that case, I know not all 100 kids would be playing each time. The school would basically just be insisting kids attend sports games just to sit on the bench for the entire time.
This person decided at first to just have a bad attitude about it all. Teens, am I right? But after realizing that wasn't going to work, they pivoted to an absolutely brilliant new tactic, which you can read all about in their malicious compliance confession below.
Up next, these Facebook fanatics are still getting accustomed to the internet, and they're making mistakes that are way funnier than they should be.
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