It's easy to blame the landlord in any tenant-related dispute, but every so often, one comes across a story in which the tenant got exactly what he deserved.
In this scenario, we have a landlord who rented out a room in his apartment to make some extra money. He covered all utilities and renovated the place so that there was some separation between him and his new tenant. However, after the first month, the tenant started bringing "lady friends" over five to six times a week and would make a ton of noise well into the night. The landlord tried to confront the tenant calmly, to no avail. Things only got worse soon thereafter. In fact, the tenant claimed he could do whatever he wanted when it came to house guests because there was no policy put into the lease agreement.
This promptly inspired some justified malicious compliance. The landlord decided that if his tenant wanted to play games and talk about the specifics of the lease renewal, then the landlord would give him a taste of his own medicine by following said agreement to the letter. This meant that every day, the landlord took away a special perk he once offered to the tenant. Before the tenant knew it, the living situation was as bad as it could get for him. Keep scrolling below for the full account of this conflict. When you're done, take a look at this story about another tenant-landlord argument!
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