There are a range of reactions you might expect from an employer when you quit your job: they may be upset, get angry, or pretend like they don't care at all, whereas the jobs you are actually sad to leave will probably want to celebrate with you and congratulate you on your continued growth—even if they're a little mournful about it too. However, the reaction to your resignation you'll probably never expect is a flat "no" as a response. There's not really any world where that even makes sense; it's not like they can force you to stay even if they want to. Sure, you might have some contract with your employer that dictates a loss or transfer of funds if you leave within a certain period of time or without notice, but they simply can not just say "no" and expect you to just go "Aww shucks, they got me," and stay working for them forever.
There's just a fundamental lack of understanding when it comes to managers and employers who think this way. To them, this is a perfectly reasonable response.
This worker who worked PRN (pro re neta or "as needed") for a hospital turned in their resignation when they repeatedly received only the worst shifts. They were stunned by the response they received from their employer and turned to this online community for advice.
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