Every now and then, bosses will ask their employees to do something that gives them pause. Something so strange or out of their ordinary purview that the employee has to consider if they should just walk out of the room and pretend the conversation never happened.
Some of the people replying to u/RobSenner's query had menial tasks thrust upon them. One person was forced to mop the freezer. If you immediately know why that's a dumb idea, good for you! You're smarter than their boss, who disagreed when that person told them that the water would freeze to the floor. That manager didn't seem to care at all, and sure enough, the mop froze to the floor. I wonder if or how they ever got the mop off the floor again!
More than 14,400 people replied to this r/AskReddit post, and there was a wide variety of dumb tasks assigned. One person's boss told them to spend a slow day picking grapes! And another dude's boss thought that they could tell them to "be in two places at once."
Up next, these hotel gaffes left customers steaming mad, like one person who discovered a note of horrors that said, "If you're reading this note, they didn't change the sheets."
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