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What is it about this black, bitter, hot beverage that I love so much? And I do love my coffee! I am dead serious when I say that if it were up to me, I would only drink coffee. Come to think of it, it IS up to me, and I DO only drink coffee. I drink about 7 cups of coffee a day and only recently stopped making EVERY one of those with a double shot of espresso.
If you are worried about my health - don't. I have asked Google several times, "How much coffee is too much coffee?" and as it turns out - it's a lot! But really a lot. Like, you would probably die from drinking too many fluids before you would die from the caffeine. To give you another indication of my obsession with coffee, I once worked at a coffee shop, and during my shifts, I would munch away on roasted coffee beans like they were M&Ms. The owner was not happy.