Some organization's customer service departments are appalling at actually offering any service to their customers. Every time you call in, you're starting from scratch, telling the same story and documenting the same requests until you have the entire thing down to a science. I've personally encountered this a few times in the last couple of years, and it feels like it's only increasing in frequency with the rise of reliance on automated "AI" customer service systems…
As a personal anecdote here, I was stranded in Houston last year while traveling due to an airline maintenance issue, and I had to book a hotel for the night since the next flight wasn't for over 24 hours. I was repeatedly reassured by airline staff at the airport that I'd have no trouble getting reimbursement for my costs. Yeah… right.
It took three months of me calling their customer service weekly and no less than 20 hours on hold total to finally get my money back. With disjointed service reps who were clearly in different parts of the company in different locations, each time I called, having wildly different results and processes to follow. Some agents were super helpful and spent time "investigating" my request, and others told me straight up that there was nothing they could do to process my request further—but dialing that same number back 10 minutes later would net a different response entirely.
It was almost like they were relying on people just to give up altogether rather than continue to deal with the extreme organizational incompetence rather than having to deal with the issue upfront and pay out.
These days, you run into the same things all the time with large institutions like certain banks and insurance companies. Finding yourself pulled through automated systems and waiting on hold for hours before finally getting to talk to service reps who have no record of your previous requests.
This guy found another solution, and when his cable company kept charging him for his canceled and disconnected plan, he decided to just cost them some money in return by having a technician call out to help with their non-existence service.
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