A good manager should know how to delegate their tasks to the people who work for them. When a manager is unwilling to let some of their responsibilities pass on to their employees, both so that the employees can learn and so that the manager would be able to free up their own time, they are lacking some important leadership qualities. A crucial part of managing others is helping them develop and expand their horizons within the workplace.
If my manager had to leave for three months, I know she would delegate her responsibilities among us, her employees, because she trusts us to get the job done. It makes no sense for her to hire an external employee who knows nothing about the job, only for her to return and find out that nothing was done properly.
Unfortunately, that is exactly what happened in this Reddit story, when a micromanager refused to let her employee take over while she was on sick leave, and as a result, upon her return, she had to work extremely hard to make up for all the work that was left unattended.
Scroll down to read the full story. After you are done, click here for a story of a job candidate who refused to accept their rejection from a role they were after.
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