Are you ever influenced by social media stars? For most of us, scrolling through the socials is something we do casually as we chill out on the couch. But for social media influencers, drawing your eyes to their content is a full-time job that they take incredibly seriously.
The behind-the-scenes lives of influencers is fascinating stuff. Much like peeking behind the scenes of a movie set to see greenscreens and stunt performers, looking behind the curtain at Instagram content creators is also eye-opening. Instead of a director, these people have their parents or partners filming them constantly. Some travel influencers are known to bring numerous different outfits per day as they travel. They will change outfit after outfit, wearing tons of layers to carry all this clothing, at these picturesque locations. Why? To maximize the number of photo posts they can get from the vacation, of course.
As you can see from the photos below, all is not as it seems. There's the influencers who buy food just to snap photos of it or throw it away as soon as the cameras are put away. Others pay to rent out fake "private jet" sets: it's not really a jet they're posing in, that's a fake set in a warehouse! Once you peer behind the smoke and mirrors of it all, you'll never look at these social media moguls the same way.
Next up, read about this nosy neighbor who absolutely insisted that everyone decorate their homes to "fit into the area."
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Or a "pulling over to take a picture together" selfie? Lots of questions…
The influencer writes, "he's dumping dirt our [sic] of the plants at starbucks. someone come get this child lol". They must not have spent much time with a child before, because that's the tiniest amount of dirt, and toddlers get into trouble 98% of their waking existence, doing much more messy activities than this.
Hmm… it does look oddly familiar…
The original poster u/dharper34 writes that it's begging because "When someone posts on their story and say "recent" they ask their followers to go and like their recent post." They basically reposted their own photo… no one wants to be begged for a "like"!
… But she certainly is laying on a bunch of them anyway.
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