No one likes a know-it-all all! I know it's tempting, especially if you're a really bright person who picks up on things quickly. While working at a photo shop, u/CatDadMilhouse talked to quite a few customers who thought they knew everything there is to know about cameras and photography.
In current year, almost anyone can take fantastic photographs while barely trying. You can hand your phone to a three-year-old and they can take a great picture! There isn't much hand-holding needed when the camera is built into your phone, and all you have to do is click one button.
For professional photographers, though, using professional camera gear is totally worth it. They can take photos with different depths of field or gorgeous lighting to create a piece of art that couldn't necessarily be recreated without that type of camera. But of course, there's a learning curve with all things, and it seems like cameras tend to baffle people. This person, as well as commenters, shared stories of what usually happens. The person will buy a camera, start trying to photograph their dog or their grandma, and then they're confused why this pricey camera is doling out blurry photos.
Check out this person's story below. Then, check out a specialty print shop employee who was told to "Just print out the order. Don't mess with it. At all." And so they did just that!
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