This tour leader was left with a big problem to solve after he ruined his chances of getting to the airport on time. If only he'd stopped bugging his bus driver to drive at odd hours, maybe he wouldn't be in that scenario!
Working as a driver might seem like a cakewalk of a job, but it has its drawbacks. For someone like u/Bawbag121, a day at work might consist of driving around for hours on end, stopping for excursions for the guests, and then driving them home at the ned of the day. While the guests are out having a fun time, the driver is probably fueling up the vehicle or killing time until they get back.
It would be easy for the people running the tours to push the bus drivers to their limits, however. This bus driver shared that they had some very strict limits on when they could and could not drive, and thank goodness for these rules. It basically dictates that the driver must have between 9 to 11 hours of down time in between shifts. No one wants a bus driver snoozing at the wheel, so these measures are for a good reason. When one tour leader decided not to abide by the rules, this driver got to call him out in a very satisfying way, as you can check out in their full story below.
Next up, these kiddos contacted 911 without their parents knowing, leading to some hilarious phone calls, like one kid who "very sternly requested that they arrest my mother."
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