Stealing someone else's lunch at work is pretty bold. First off, you could very much be fired. Second, what if you're caught in the act? You would never be able to recover from that. And even if you are a successful food thief who finds themselves constantly getting away with their heists, let this be a warning that all good things must come to an end. Even if no one knows for sure that it's you who's doing the stealing, these employees have found some pretty clever ways of drawing out the truth. Below, office workers share their hilariously satisfying revenge stories after finding their lunches constantly being stolen by an unknown coworker. From extreme hot sauce hidden in sandwiches to laxatives sprinkled in yogurt, some of these revenge tactics may or may not have landed some employees in the ER. And maybe rightfully so - after these petty revenge attempts, you can guarantee that these thieves have gotten their karma and will probably never steal another lunch again. Keep scrolling for the stories of these heroic coworkers, saving employee lunches one thieving coworker at a time.
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