Mother-in-laws can often go too far when it comes to bickering with us, the loves of their sons' lives. No, these stories are not just tall-tales; it seems that MILs just typically have issues with the partners their son's choose (for whatever strange, concerning reason that may be).
Some MILs decide that they get to dictate how you raise your child. Others simply try to outshine you on special occasions. Well, some also try to get an allergic reaction out of you. To clarify: the woman in this story will not get into serious health danger if consuming the allergen. The MIL is also communicative about the fact that there is dairy in the dishes. This is the knowledge of both parties.
The woman in this story is expressing grief over the fact that her MIL constantly cooks with an allergen that makes her life very difficult, but also gets upset when the women tries to bring her own food to social gatherings. There seems to be no winning between the two. After a dinner where every dish contained dairy, the woman's husband stood up to his mother about how ill-mannered she is regarding her cooking. The MIL expresses that the woman is dramatizing the allergy, but the two eventually talk it out. The woman is still not a fan of the MIL, for reasons explained in her most recent edits. Scroll to read.
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