Nobody is exempt from paying off their debts.
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Based on the immense amount of stories we write about, we're sure you've gotten the idea that front desk workers have to deal with an astounding number of ill-mannered and entitled guests. They also deal with liars, sneaks, and conmen who constantly try to one-up employees who know exactly what they're doing. Why is it that so many customers assume they're correct? They say that true intelligence is when one can admit when they're wrong and who are receptive to mental and behavioral change. It's safe to say that the man in this story is either a conman who couldn't care less about his debts or is so stuck in his “I'm always right!" ways that he can't surrender. But, of course, they all eventually do surrender.
The employee in this story gave this doctor the benefit of the doubt when his card turned out to be expired after an almost $2000 stay at their hotel. The employee emailed the doctor a secure form to pay his bill when he received his “new” card in the mail and the doctor does not respond. The employee figures out where he works (he is a C-suite executive in healthcare for their region) so they assume he is not tight on cash. He is simply evading bills because he wants to. The employee then goes on a digital goose chase to get into contact with this doctor, who responds saying that the hotel is scamming him despite not having been charged for the stay. That is until he finally pays them with a completely different card because the employee contacted the travel booking company the doctor used. Long story short, the employee is likely blacklisted all over town from renting a room anywhere decent. Scroll to read the full story and some extra stories from folks in the comments.
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