There's nothing like a nice, peaceful drive on the road being upended by another annoying, entitled driver who thinks that their busy schedule is more significant than everyone else's. It's these unique individuals that can make one of the more solitary and restful activities for some folks unbearable.
Personally speaking, I am not one of the individuals who thinks driving is a peaceful activity, nor am I one of the individuals who enjoys engaging in aggressive behavior on the road. My conflict-avoidant sensibility extends to my driving along with all the other areas of my life. Here, we have a bystander who witnessed one driver give another (the entitled Karen of this tale) a piece of his mind by ensuring that she would be late for whatever "important commitment" she had to get to next. While I have to hand it off to this driver, I know that if I were in the situation I would immediately go into people-pleasing mode and let this Karen get away with her entitled behavior. Oh well… at least I know myself.
For more stories like this, take a look at this post about a silly HOA rule.
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