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The new Star Wars Outlaws game is coming out soon and I just saw a video on YouTube showing how you can take off from any planet you visit and go directly into space. The comment section was filled with people pointing out that the clouds that you go through are actually a hidden loading screen. People sayin that it isn't real taking off and landing like in "No man's sky" or "Star Citizen". To me that's a bit unfair. I'm not going to sit here and defend Ubisoft, We all know they tend to cut corners, but you cant expect EVERY space game to have EVERY mechanic imaginable.
I feel like our expectations out of our games have gone a little overboard. We expect every new game to be genre defining and to feature countless amazing mechanics, cutting edge graphics and flawless artificial intelligence, but we are not willing to pay more than 60$ for it. We need to manage our expectations!