What did Halloween ever do to you, Karen?
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Condolences go out to the customer service workers who have to deal with the average Karen customer. They're faced with the maliciously unknown; their spirits are brought down quite frequently because this specific sub-genre of humans simply don't respect them. A quick shoutout to our customer service workers who do everything with a smile (but probably shouldn't). The customer is not always right, and sometimes giving Karens extra attention just means respectful customers aren't getting the attention they deserve. It all comes back to the toxic idea that customer is always right. Babying two Karen customers at once is even more stressful, so kudos to the retail employee in this story.
A frequent Karen at OP's store comes in seasonally to complain about the wicked nature of Halloween, seemingly forgetting that Christmas is not the only holiday on the yearly calendar. She makes it the employee's problem, on top of asking the employee to make her a wreath. She is relentless, not processing that the employee stated they do not make wreaths for customers and they only sell craft materials so customers can DIY them. Not only is it obviously closer to Halloween (using common sense), but she is insisted about a store service that does not exist. While he is a checking a ‘nice lady’ customer at checkout, another Karen skips the line and places a return on top of the nice lady's things. Knowing management would reprimand him for treating the Karen with disrespect, they advise her to wait for the manager and she grumpily agreed. The nice lady and this employee can't seem to catch a break. Read ahead to get the details and some seriously hilarious dialogue from anti-Halloween Karen.
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