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As far as we are concerned, Star Trek has ALWAYS been there. Sure, we are aware there was no Star Trek before Gene Roddenberry created it back in 1966, but we prefer not to dwell on such dark times. Can you imagine it? Not having even one season of Star Trek to binge-watch on repeat over and over again? No William Shatner or Patrick Stewart to engage your senses? Not even a Scott Bakula?! What kind of world is that?
No, we can't imagine that. That is why we choose to believe that Star Trek has always been there, in the background, waiting for our technology to become advanced enough so that it could be shared on screens all around the world for the betterment of all mankind. And we also choose to believe it will always be there, until the end of time. We want to believe that even in the 23rd century, while people are exploring the universe, Star Trek is still playing in the background. Make it so!