- 01
"Ocean Pacific"
- 02
To go with the OP shirt
- 03
This seems perfectly reasonable
- 04
"We all still cut up our plastic rings to save the dolphins and turtles, right?"
- 05
80s Playgrounds: Where only the strong survived!
- 06
This one made you hit every bar on the way down
- 07
This one made you puke and fly off
- 08
This one made you fight your friends for dominance
- 09
This one would hit you in the chin
- 10
This one would burn you
- 11
It somehow tasted better when it came in this container
- 12
They turned down buying Netflix and died
- 13
They changed the flavor, didn't they?
- 14
Probably the worst candy I have ever tried
- 15
"Before the internet, we had...the woods!"
Today this would be considered a drug den
- 16
I never got this as a kid :(
- 17
This was a thing?! I want it!
- 18
One of the first robots ever - The HERO 1
- 19
I miss slamming a phone on someone
- 20
This setup is amazing
- 21
Oh wow
- 22
Pitfall was the second game I ever played (The first was pong)
- 23
Kids today just aren't that cool
- 24
This is like a GenX test
- 25
I would usually go to sleep with Pink Floyd
- 26
Perfect afternoon
- 27
Sit UBU sit *woof* Good Dog
- 28
"That moment the teacher rolled this into the classroom"
- 29
Great Album!
- 30
"Sorry guys… weekend is over"
- 31
Back when there were basically 4 video games to choose from
- 32
What, Me Worry?