Listen, I just think you should be able to take a drive-thru order in whichever voice you feel like. The employees at fast food restaurants get super unbelievably bored of saying the same, "Hi, how can I help you?" phrase over and over. After you say it dozens of times per day, you start to hate the phrase. Why not change it up a little? One person replying to this hilarious thread did just that, but sadly, they got canned for their creativity. They just wanted to sprinkle in a little Dracula voice, saying "Vvvvelcome" to their customers. Sadly, their bosses didn't find it funny.
Another person worked in retail and was fired for not owning the proper shade of khaki pants. People really can be fired for any reason, but at least we can laugh about it, thanks to the 7,500+ people who shared their funny stories to r/AskReddit.
Next up, I hope you're hungry for some fails, because these people have whipped up some droopy bread dough and melted-looking cakes.
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