This manager is going to regret putting all of that in writing. He may have been on the precipice of leaving his current job, but once you send an unhinged text message to an employee, that employee will always have those words, and according to the Redditor, those messages may very well come back to haunt that manager.
As we know all too well at this point, so much of management involves the trials and tribulations of scheduling. People switch shifts and cover for one another all the time. Availability changes from week to week. That's the job. The job is problem-solving when these changes occur. The job is certainly not chastising employees when things become ever so slightly less easy for you as a manager. So what happened when this employee refused to cover someone else's shift because of a known conflict? Well, ket's just say the manager lost his cool.
Keep scrolling below for the full text he sent along with the fallout. For more stories like this, check out this post about a worker who discovered a Karen customer's social media rant about him.
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