Being a fast food worker means you have to take a lot of heat from a lot of unruly customers. To have to deal with an unruly manager on top of all the other nonsense can be too much for some people to handle.
This worker confronted his supervisor after he was giving the new employee a tough time on a busy day instead of helping the team out productively (what a concept!). Instead of listening and learning from his team, the supervisor took the opportunity to chastise the Redditor for talking back, completely missing the real point.
So what happened when later on during his shift, the same supervisor tried to make small talk with the fast food worker? Well, let's just say there certainly wasn't any talking back. In fact, there wasn't much talking at all. Call it insubordination if you wish; this employee liked to think of it as some well-deserved malicious compliance. For more stories like this, check out this post about a fired employee who cost his store $30,000 as payback.
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