Have you ever been so mad at work that you consider quitting on the spot? With high-stress positions and jobs where your boss is a total meanie-pants, it's easy to find yourself in a fight or flight situation. Since it's frowned upon to fight your boss, I guess 'flight' it is! But what are the ultimate repercussions of a rage-quitting scenario? Does your boss even feel the effects of a lost employee or will they simply move on without you?
Well, according to this guy on Reddit, an apparent vengeance master, he's spent several long shifts contemplating the downfall of his own terrible boss.
After years of working as a front desk manager of a small hotel, u/WarmPissu started getting tired of getting taken advantage of by his snobby, entitled boss. Luckily for him, this seething energy festered over long nights at the front desk alone, leaving him plenty of time to formulate the perfect plan–a kamikaze mission that would not only relieve him of the workplace but punish his boss as well.
Keep scrolling to read how this guy ideated the perfect plan to burn an employment bridge while taking out the formidable foe (known as your manager) at the same time.
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