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Man gets fined $216, bites back at entitled construction workers after they failed to follow neighborhood codes: ‘Traffic Enforcement number is on my speed dial’

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    Tow my car? Enjoy the rest of your construction work!
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    Tow my car? Enjoy the rest of your construction work! Let's start by painting the picture.
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    Over the course of the last couple of months, MONTHS, there's been on-going construction work for a new building that's being, well, built, on our street. We're living on Malta and for those that know anything about this tiny island, is that things are happening incredibly slow.
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    The contractors that have been working on this building have left us residents in a constant state of distress due to the constant, excessive loud noise that has been our life on a daily basis for months. They've ignored several rules and regulators relating to permits to close off roads,
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    blocking parking spaces etc. In times when they haven't had permits to block parking spaces, they've even simply used cinderblocks to block off access to parking spaces the contractors would need the following day.
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    The street is left in a complete mess after their work for the day is done, there's constant dust flying around in the air due to their ongoing work efforts, and one day they even blocked the entire street, without having the appropriate permits for doing so.
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    This has all been OK (as much as it can be), we've gone on with our lives and just hoped that it's going to be over soon. This was our mindset until this morning, when we found out that our car
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    had been towed, they had not put up the "no-parking" signs 48hrs in advance as is required, and we had to pay over 200€ as a fine which we now will have to dispute and hope that they will refund the fine.
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    Queue the petty revenge! These contractors are ignoring so many rules and regulations on a daily basis, and considering that either me of my wife works from home all days of the week (rotating office days), we have full view of what's going on on the street on a daily basis.
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    Contractors are putting cinderblocks on parking spots to "reserve them" without proper permits? Suddenly we have all the time in the world to go downstairs, and remove said cinderblocks. Instead of just
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    removing the cinder blocks to the side, we will also "dispose" of them, so that they cannot carry out this practice in the future without having to get new cinderblocks to do so with.
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    Heavy machinery is being used on the street before/after permitted time according to permits? Police/Local Traffic Enforcement number is on my speed dial.
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  • 13
    I even must've misplaced a pack of eggs that I put aside while walking past the construction area while tying my shoes and couldn't find them again. Oh boy I hope they don't spoil and start smelling under the intense Maltese sun and heat!
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    I've been lurking this sub-reddit for years and I feel like I'm currently experiencing one of these stories in real time, I'm actually lowkey excited! If there's any noteworthy updates, I may update the post later on!
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    FrangibleSoul • 5h ago . Code enforcement is your best friend in this situation. Stay petty my friend.
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    3VikingBoys 3h ago Be careful. They may start installing hidden cameras. Until then, toss something on top of their vehicles like French fries or bird seed to attract pooping seagulls.
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    Bont_Tarentaal • 4h ago Oh dearie me, those eggs of yours can perhaps be found under one of their machines?
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    Peterthinking · 2h ago Those permits should be posted and be public. May be worth a read.
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    StrictShelter971 • 5h ago I work in construction and I try to follow the rules. Especially when it comes to parking. Always park where I'm supposed to and allow residents to park where they are allowed.
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    gizahnl 11m ago They broke rule one of rule breaking: don't break the rules and be an the same time... at


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