In every high school, there are a handful of students who not only do the bare minimum when it comes to work, but they're also pretty lame when it comes to cheating. Look, no one is going to outright condone stealing someone's answers on a test, but if you're going to be the fool that does it, at least be less obvious about it.
This Redditor figured out that his classmate had been stealing his answers for the past few exams and was starting to worry that his teacher would think that the wrong person was at fault. So, for the next big exam, the Original Poster (OP) decided to enact some petty revenge on his neighboring cheater. First, he wrote down all the wrong answers and led him astray. Then, once the cheater had submitted his test, OP had enough time to change his own answers to the right ones before the period was over. You can imagine how the cheater reacted when he saw how he did compared to his neighbor.
For more stories like this, check out this post about an employee who demanded a public apology from his boss.
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