"When you reserve a seat, it is yours. There should never even have to be a discussion about it."
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How annoying is it when you finally decide to treat yourself and spend big bucks to get the exact seats in the exact place you want, but then when you get there someone is sitting in them? That's already annoying. But it makes it even worse when you approach them to tell them that they are sitting in the seats you paid extra for and they make it a big deal that they have to move. Like, how entitled can you be?
This happens all too often—on airplanes, at concerts, sporting events, and more. You can't avoid the inevitable entitled Karen who thinks just because they were there first, they now own a stake in that spot. Actually, Karen, the reason people buy the exact seat they want ahead of time is that it is reserved for them no matter how late they get there, to ensure they get that seat. Being entitled does not reserve you the best seat in the house.
See how tons of people have handled this exact situation and put these Karens in their place.
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