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Whenever I find myself scrolling through Tumblr, I am attacked by memories from the 2014 era of my life where RANDOM XD was my entire personality.
Even if you weren't a teen back then, everyone had a time in their lives that stands out as that random era in which nothing made sense whatsoever. The clothes, the hair, the friends, the hobbies… Nothing had anything to do with each other, and looking back on it, it just looked like a mess.
For me, the 2014 random Tumblr era mostly came to be through my clothes, which looked like a unicorn had thrown up on me – Galaxy tights, a 'Keep Calm and Carry On' t-shirt, a mustache neckless, and a random beanie. With an honorable mention to all the random fandoms I was a part of – Doctor Who, Sherlock, Supernatural, and Glee, to name a few, I was a walking Tumblr poster.
It's actually comforting to scroll through Tumblr and see that the humor hasn't changed much, and the random XD vibe is still very much alive there. Scroll down to enjoy this week's collection of randomly funny Tumblr memes and posts. After that, click here for a hilarious series of relatable memes.